STEP 1: CONSULT: I come in and assess your space as we discuss your organizing needs and challenges. After I gather all of the information, I create a plan and estimate. These sessions generally last 1-2 hours. 

STEP 2: EDIT/SOURCE:  Each session we will focus on one area at a time beginning with the editing process. We split the process up into 4 categories: keep, toss, donate/recycle, resell. Once completed, everything goes back where it makes sense for the client and space. During this process, I take measurements of the area we are working on and recommend a list of solutions. 

STEP 3: IMPLEMENT SYSTEM: Once the list is approved, I order the solutions and the final day/s are implementing and labeling. 

Home Services

Our Home Services cater to your most pressing needs first. No job is too small, we do it all from junk drawers to storage rooms! Let’s declutter and organize your space so that all of your items have a home. We work with you to create systems that are tailored to your lifestyle and that can be easily maintained long after we’re gone. Let us help you get organized! It’s freeing, it creates space and energy for you to do what you really love. 


Just moved and don’t know where to begin? Sit back, relax and let us do all the unpacking for you! With a clean slate we can create your dream space in your new home.